Sunday, August 19, 2012

It's not just the beginning....

Hello, This is my story. My journey began having downfalls in 2006. I believe. I wanted a dye job. I can't recall but I believe I did something like a strawberry blonde or brown sorry I don't have pics but I have memories.I wasn't taking care of it so, that is where it all started.I wore alot of protect styles to grown my hair out. Before all this I did start my protective styles in my peek teenage years. But this was more so to grow out the damage I had. I also feel that I could retain the lengths I once had in the mist of jhs school and late high school years. I tried many ways and ideas to catch my ideal goal. Fast foward------> 2012. Five years natural and still learning. I did a texturizer last august big no,no on my part and even went to do a dominican blow and /flat iron. Hair chin length ughhh. Why me? Six months on n off on Hairfinity. BUT!Guess what?! My hair has grown since then! It touches my shoulders somewhat yay me! Trimmed in Febraury. Last weave protective style in November. So this my journey, I need to stay focus for 2014 because I want to make this challenge not just for a contest but also for me and hopefully I can leave a mark. Even for others on along the way. One more thing I haven't big chopped always been a natural transitioner and followed up with trims and protective styles when neccesary. Here's to my Journey.